Audio Sermon Archive

Current sermons can be found by visiting the ‘live’ tab on the church YouTube page

April 2018

Works and Faith: Mexico Missions Recap

“God Will Swallow Up Death Forever!”


Guest Andy Beckham
Various Scriptures

“Glory to the Righteous One”

Isaiah 24

Easter Program

March 2018

“Dishonor the Honored”

Isaiah 23

“The Valley of Vision”

Isaiah 22

“Babylon is Fallen”

Isaiah 21

February 2018

“A Savior & Defender”

Isaiah 19-20

“Water from the Wells of Salvation”

One Response to “Sermons”

  1. […] Our lead pastor has been on vacation for the past two and a half weeks.  That means I filled in, in the pulpit.  I have enjoyed teaching through a parenting series.  I’ve learned and been reading a lot about the value of discipleship from parents in a child’s life.  The church is a support for that, not the primary means of spiritual growth for children.  If you are interested in listening to the series they are available here; the final message to be preached this coming Sunday: […]