Jul 28, 2013 | by Michael Beach | series: Galatians - Set Free!
“Boasting in the Cross” Galatians 6: 11-18 In Evil Long I Took Delight By John Newton In evil long I took delight, Unawed by shame or fear, Till a new object struck my sight, And stopp’d my wild career: I saw One hanging on a Tree In agonies and blood, Who fix’d His […]
Jul 21, 2013 | by Michael Beach | series: Galatians - Set Free!
“Fulfilling the Law of Christ” Galatians 6: 1-10
Jul 14, 2013 | by Michael Beach | series: Galatians - Set Free!
“Walking by the Spirit” Galatians 5: 16-26
Jun 30, 2013 | by Michael Beach | series: Galatians - Set Free!
“Children of the Free” Galatians 4:21-31
Jun 23, 2013 | by Michael Beach | series: Galatians - Set Free!
“You Perplex Me!” Galatians 4: 8-20
Jun 9, 2013 | by Michael Beach | series: Galatians - Set Free!
“Heir-Born” Galatians 3:21 – 4:7
May 26, 2013 | by Michael Beach | series: Galatians - Set Free!
"Living by Faith" Galatians 3:1-14
May 19, 2013 | by Michael Beach | series: Galatians - Set Free!
"Justified by Faith" Galatians 2:15-21
May 5, 2013 | by Michael Beach | series: Galatians - Set Free!
“Opposing Hypocrisy” Galatians 2:11-14